P_10433_0309 – John Maxwell

D.O.B: D.O.D:

Owner-captain of a slaving voyage from London by the London Gally in 1706 to Gold Coast and Jamaica. A man of the same name captained two slaving voyages from London for Laurence Galdy and others in 1700-1701 (both destined for Jamaica) and one for the Royal African Co. in 1703 destined for Barbados. John Maxwell possibly died on the 1706 voyage, since the captain on the return leg from Jamaica was Abraham Battell. The will (made in 1720 and proved 05/10/1722) of John Maxwell mariner, master of the Leopard sloop, who captained two slaving voyages by the Leopard in 1719 and 1720 (the first for Richard Harris) was probably of a different man given the 13 year interval between voyages: the will shows John Maxwell as leaving a ‘negroe boy’ alongside his property to Mrs Mary Bankes.