P_10433_0423 – Abraham Mendez or Mendes

D.O.B: D.O.D: 1730

Abraham Mendez was shown as owner or co-owner of two groups of voyages from London, three between 1698 and 1701 (of which he was sole owner of two), and three between 1711 and 1713 (of which all three were with co-owner Isaac da Costa Alvarenga (q.v.)) in the Abraham and Isaac. Because of the bipolar distribution, it is possible that there were two men of this name engaged in these slave-trading voyages from London to Jamaica and Barbados, one the London merchant and brother and executor of Solomon Moses de Mendez of St Catherine Coleman dying c. 1730, the other Abraham Mendes junior, probably a cousin, also a London merchant with a will made 21/02/1727 of Chester and proved in 1731, but Eli Faber treats the Abraham Mendez of 1698-1701 and 1711-13 as the same man, the London merchant Abraham Mendez senior (given by Faber as Mendes), and associates him also as ship-owner with slaving voyages in 1715 and 1719 by the King Solomon undertaken under the authorisation of the South Sea Co.