P_10433_0633 – William Kent

D.O.B: D.O.D: 1706

Co-owner of a slaving voyage from London by the Albion Frigate to the Bight of Biafra and Barbados in 1698, and possibly of further earlier voyages: William and Walter Kent were among the owners of a privateer named the Crown in 1696, alongside John and Ezekiel Halls [sic, q.v. under John Hall and Ezekiel Hall], Bigley Wilson (q.v.) and others; a ship of this name made three slaving voyages from London, two destined for Barbados and one to Gold Coast and Martinique, between 1691 and 1696, for which no ownership information is currently given in TASTDB. He has not been definitively identified to date but was almost certainly a London merchant and brother-in-law of Walter Kent (q.v.). The will of William Kent merchant of London made in 1681 and proved 1706 is that of the father of Chidiock Kent, known to have been the nephew of Charles Kent (q.v.) and of Walter Kent.