P_10433_0960 – Benjamin Bradley or Bradly

D.O.B: D.O.D: 1731

Co-owner of a slaving voyage from London by the Calabar Merchant to Calabar and Virginia in 1701.  Benjamin Bradley ironmonger of London was party to litigation including among others Peregrine Browne (q.v.) and John Browne (q.v.) in 1698-99 arising from a consortium put together to build and sell a ship.  Benjamin Bradley appeared consistently in litigation in the 1710s and 1720s.  The will of Benjamin Bradly [sic] of Hampstead was proved in 1731. Sarah Bradley, widow of Benjamin Bradley merchant deceased late of Hampstead, was in litigation in 1733.  The Benjamin Bradley of London Street who was bankrupt in 1737 was possibly his son.