P_10433_1715 – Samuel Collet

D.O.B: D.O.D:

‘Collet’ was given as a co-owner with the the South Sea Co. in two voyages from London to Whydah and Cabinda and then Jamaica in 1725.  Samuel Collet became the ‘agent’ of the South Sea Company in Caracas in the late 1720s, granted a new two year license with Jonathan Perrie in November 1729. He has not been traced further to date, but a Samuel Collet was among the assignees of John Lewis of Blackheath, heir of William Lewis of Jamaica; Collet was shown as of Greenwich in 1746 in relation to this case. This Samuel Collet must have been the same man as Samuel Collett of East Greenwich, son-in-law of Richard Lewin of Lee in Kent and executor of the latter’s will in 1736: the will of Samuel Collet citizen and skinner of London formerly of Greenwich but late of Speenham Land was proved 02/06/1773.