P_10433_1910 – Solomon Gompertz

D.O.B: D.O.D: 1791

Owner with unnamed others of two slaving voyages from London, one by the Rebecca to Saint Louis and Antigua in 1763 and the second by the Speedwell to Senegambia and Antigua in 1765, and one from Antigua to Saint Louis and back by the Rebecca in 1764 (which appears to have been a continuation of the first voyage).  Although given as ‘Gumperk’ in TASTDB, the connection of Solomon Gompertz and Meyer Heyman with the leasing of a ship to the British army in Senegal/Senegambia in 1766 indicates this was probably Solomon Gompertz, merchant of London, in partnership in Gompertz & Heyman until 1773.  The nature of their business has not been determined: secondary sources suggest they were diamond merchants, but this might be confusion with Solomon Barent Gompertz (d. 1808).  In the will of Solomon Gompertz proved in 1791, he provided for two ‘mulatto’ boys, named Simon Gompertz and David Gompertz, almost certainly his natural sons.