P_10433_1948 – Thomas Hall

D.O.B: 1692 D.O.D: 26/07/1748

Thomas Hall (1692-1748), London merchant, shipowner and major slave-trader, owner or co-owner of at least 23 slaving voyages from London between 1729 and 1742, well-documented by Conrad Gill (1961). The extent of his engagement in the slave-trade is understated in the TASTDB, because he and partners owned several ships utilised by the South Sea Co., under whose names such voyages often appear. He was originally a factor, captain and merchant in the East India trade, moving subsequently into the slave-trade. He left landed estates in Hertfordshire: Goldings (which he had inherited and developed) and the nearby Waterford Hall and Halfhyde, both of which he bought in 1743.