P_10433_2070 – Henry Lascelles

D.O.B: 1690 D.O.D: 16/10/1753

Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), London West India merchant and MP, and major investor in the slave-trade, whose importance is understated by the records in the TASTDB, which show him with four voyages from London and one from Shoreham between 1735 and 1741. He was in addition the lead investor in the ‘Floating Factory’ at Annamaboe in the early 1740s, as well as participating in the voyage of the Richard and Julines in 1740.  Henry Lascelles was the progenitor of the Lascelles dynasty at Harewood, buying the estate in 1739, and leaving £284,000 to his sons Edwin and Daniel Lascelles.