P_10433_2176 – David Godin

D.O.B: D.O.D:

David Godin was shown as the co-owner (with the captain John Carruthers) of two slaving voyages (in one of which he is identified in TASTDB as ‘Daniel Godin’) from London by the Molly to Africa and Charleston in 1732 and 1734, as the sole owner of two slaving voyages from London again destined for Charleston in 1736 and 1738 by the Princess Carolina, very probably of two further voyages by the Princess Carolina in 1737 and 1739 also destined for Charleston, and possibly of a seventh voyage by the Samuel to Charleston in 1725 that might have belonged to his cousin Stephen Godin (q.v.) or conceivably to David Godin’s brother Benjamin. Probably David Godin (d. 1740), London South Carolina merchant.