P_10433_2187 – Tobias Wall Gallwey

D.O.B: D.O.D: 02/12/1767

Tobias Wall Gallwey, slave-owner of St Kitts (d. 1767). ‘Wall, Galloway (St Kitts)’ appear as two separate owners of a slaving voyage from London by the Seeker in 1730, in which the ship was condemned before captive African people were embarked, but in fact this was almost certainly Tobias Wall Gallwey of St Kitts. The ship under the same captain had completed an earlier slaving voyage in 1729 from London to Africa and St Kitts that was probably under the same ownership, and has accordingly been associated with  Tobias Wall Gallwey below. Under his will, his nephews Stephen Payne-Gallwey and the latter’s brother Sir William Payne-Gallwey reportedly changed their names in order to inherit.