P_10433_2257 – Thomas Panuwell

D.O.B: 1672 D.O.D: 1750

Thomas Panuwell (c. 1672-1750), merchant captain and ship-owner, and co-owner alongside the South Sea Co. of three slaving voyages from London between 1724 and 1728. His obituary noted that he was ‘Many years a commander of the Tuscan Galley’, probably an East Indiaman. He was also associated with the Royal African Co., as Assistant in 1721 and as the owner of the Lady Rachael, used by the Royal African Co. as a slave-ship on two voyages in 1721-22. He left the extensive Calverley estate at Tunbridge Wells to Capt. Thomas Smith (d. 1784) on condition the latter changed his name to Panuwell (which he did).