P_10433_2582 – Edward Grace

D.O.B: 1728 D.O.D:

Edward Grace was owner of two slaving voyages from London and co-owner (with Arnold Nesbitt) of a third, between 1767 and 1769, two of which were to Galam, and all captained by Edward Williamson. Business correspondence between Edward Grace and his associates concerning the slave trade on the coast of Africa in 1767-1770 was published by T.S. Ashton, who said: ‘Of Grace himself, little is known’, and suggests he was possibly the son of Samuel Grace, a signatory of the London merchants’ letter to George III on his accession in 1760 [and in fact Edward Grace’s brother]. He appears to have entered the slave-trade from involvement originally in bilateral trade between London and West Africa. E. Grace was shown as ‘broker, Cornhill’ in Lucy Sutherland’s listing of the brokers doing business with the insurance underwriter William Braund.